Our leadership programmes aim to develop confident young people who engage positively with the community.

Breaking Barriers
Breaking Barriers is our 12-week leadership programme that focuses on personal leadership skills, encouraging young people to become community stakeholders. This programme is tailored towards young people that are at imminent risk of exclusion from school or otherwise vulnerable due to concerns around mental health and well-being.
Through our facilitated sessions, participants learn how to recognise their role and potential as key influencers and leaders amongst their peers and community, with the aim of reintegrating them back into the classroom. The focus of the programme is to that ensure individuals are personally empowered by learning essential leadership skills, self-worth and the ability and strength needed to stand up for what is right within the context of home, work or school.
In this way learnt negative behaviour is challenged and replaced with new positive behavioural traits through role-play, games and discussion.
To learn more about our delivery and offering Breaking Barriers in your school, contact us via the button below.
Our Impact
90% of students avoid exclusion
69% improved self-esteem
78% improved well-being
65% improved attitude to learning
70% improved behaviour in school
61% improved self-awareness

I can actually compose myself and I hope to keep this positive attitude in my lessons.